Dani Martín reveals the reason why he dedicated a song to Ester Expósito: “She deserves it”

It was last February when Dani Martín surprised his fans by releasing a new song. What few expected then is that that song was titled with the name of one of the most prominent actresses in Spain in recent years, Ester Expósito. The lyrics of the song generated controversy, and now, a few months later, the artist has explained why he decided to dedicate a song to the Elite and Venus actress .

The artist from San Sebastián de los Reyes released the song on February 20, full of references to the actress. In a promotional image you could see the performer with her mouth open in a close-up. There was speculation on social media about a possible romantic relationship between the two, and Dani even received criticism for the age difference between the two, since Ester is 24 and he is 47.

“Wait and pinch me, I’ve seen Ester Expósito. I don’t know her in person and she drives me crazy. I look at her to see if she looks at me and everything happens. The photo plays and she started dancing,” you can hear in the song. After the commotion generated, the 24-year-old actress agreed with the issue and confessed that she knew that she would come to light. “Dani’s songs marked me and accompanied me in so many moments that I am very excited that you are releasing music again and training for it,” the young woman said then.

Now, the performer of songs like Contigo or Insoportable has explained, on the occasion of the release of the limited edition vinyl of the song, the reasons that led him to release that song. “With this beautiful cover of a woman full of talent, with a wonderful speech, with a whole… It was great for her, that she chose this cover, that I also chose, that she gave me permission,” he revealed in a video shared on networks.

“I made him a song because he deserves it and you already have this romantic, wonderful gift available to buy that should be in your homes. It is already in mine. There are very few units,” says the interpreter, who assured that he had the idea creating the song when he learned how much of a fan the actress was of El Canto del Loco , the group of which she was a member from 1994 to 2009.