Ana Obregón clarifies Lequio’s role in Álex’s will and confirms its veracity: “I have not bought a baby”

Ana Obregón (69 years old) has taken a step forward. On the night of this past Friday, April 19, she sat on the set of ¡De Viernes! to clarify the controversies about donations to her son’s foundation and, among other issues, talk about her current relationship with Alessandro Lequio (63).

“I found the strength to create it and in 2022 it was registered and I put in the money. I have donated everything I said I would donate and I am proud to thank everyone who has bought the book The Shrew Boy , because more than 100,000 have entered euros of copyright”, the actress explained in relation to the commotion that arose due to the lack of income in the foundation.

After talking about it, Ana Obregón wanted to ask that her ex-husband and Álex’s father, Alessandro Lequio, be removed from the controversies. As for the Italian count, she also wanted to clarify that he was always aware of his son’s great desire: to bring a child into the world .

[Ana Obregón reveals, finally, if Alessandro Lequio knows her granddaughter and the pact they have reached in private]

Ana Obregón, in tears, in her interview on ‘De Viernes!’
Ana Obregón, in tears, in her interview on ‘De Viernes!’ Telecinco

One of the controversies that has surrounded the biologist since the birth of Álex Lequio’s daughter through surrogacy is whether Alessandro would have been aware of the situation and whether he would agree or not with it. In this sense, Ana Obregón has remembered what the last weeks were like in which she did not leave the young man. Those in which the television collaborator asked her sisters to travel to Barcelona to be by the interpreter’s side since he feared for her well-being when her son died.

With her eyes full of tears, Ana recalled the moment in which Álex told them his wish, making it clear, once again, that Alessandro was always aware of the situation. “Look, mommy, dad, if something ever happens to me, I want to leave something of mine in this world . I want you to use the semen,” Obregón expressed, remembering the phrases of his only offspring.

“As he could not even get out of bed, due to how weak he was, they gave him a pen to sign the holographic will in which he wrote: ‘In the event that I die, I want and give my parents the right to use this semen so that some son or daughter of mine may remain on earth.'”

Regarding the document, Ana Obregón has been forceful and has confirmed its veracity: “It is before a notary, that is, I have inherited, I have not bought a baby , I have inherited it, it is mine.”

Ana Obregón and her granddaughter on the day of her baptism.
Ana Obregón and her granddaughter on the day of her baptism. Gtres

The actress has defended that “like when a parent dies and you inherit a house,” she has “inherited.” Thus, she has responded to those who accused her of buying a baby for having brought Ana Sandra into the world through surrogacy.

Reprising the role of Alessandro Lequio in the story, Ana Obregón has revealed that he was the one who reminded her that she had a mission to fulfill and that this reason for being helped her cope with the death of her son. ” At that moment he saved my life, because he made me return to reality . Then I opened the door and he didn’t know what I was doing, but I think he sensed it, because that’s why my sisters were there the last few weeks.” ” He tells me: ‘Ana, you have something very important, you have to fulfill our son’s last wish,’ ” the artist recalled.

Defending once again the father of his son, he justified himself by saying: “I have learned in this life to accept the people I love as they are. Because if not, you suffer. And I can’t suffer anymore. I can’t. Alessandro It’s like that . He has a family. He has another family, which is Anita, who is his granddaughter.”

Although he did not want to confirm whether grandfather and granddaughter know each other in person , because he wants his privacy to be respected, he stated: “Of course he wants to see her, and he knows that she is his granddaughter, and he knows from the beginning what I have done and has seen photos of it from Miami every month, and that’s how it is.

Throughout the conversation, Ana Obregón also wanted to share a joy: the first word of her granddaughter , Anita , as she affectionately calls her. According to what she said, while the little girl was looking at the images of Álex that the biologist shows her so that she can meet her father, Ana Sandra said “dad.”